Shabby Kitchen Oak 8mm


Shabby Kitchen oak 8mm by Balterio. Quattro Vintage laminates are an exclusive set of planks, covered with minute imperfections and recurrent striking knots. It presents the best of both worlds by instilling the appearance of hardwoods and the true endurance of laminates. By adding to the aged vintage ambience of an enclosed space with its constant play of light and shade, it brings out the retro feel in a room altogether. €15.99 sq Yard, €41 box




Shabby Kitchen oak 8mm by Balterio. Quattro Vintage laminates are an exclusive set of planks, covered with minute imperfections and recurrent striking knots. It presents the best of both worlds by instilling the appearance of hardwoods and the true endurance of laminates. By adding to the aged vintage ambience of an enclosed space with its constant play of light and shade, it brings out the retro feel in a room altogether

Product Code: Vitality Deluxe 4V Clouded Oak (60900)
Species: Oak
Construction: HDF Core
Thickness: 8mm
Width: 190.5mm
Length: 1261mm
Edge Detail: 4-Sided V-Groove
Pack Size: 2.16m2
Rating: AC4 – Residential Use / Light Commercial
Residential Warranty: 20 years
Commercial Warranty: 12 years
Installation: Click Locking System
Planks per Pack: 9